Friday, December 31, 2010

The View From My Side

Hi there, T-Girls!

You can assume I'm a post-op transsexual...or perhaps a pre-op. Maybe I'm one of those non-ops. Why not just assume that I'm a crossdresser or even one of those fetish types who just loves walking around with panties under his jeans. Oh, well, I'm one of those, I guess, so let's just say I'm transgender.

I used to be very active in the Community. I used to have a widely read blog in the "360" days. I'm kind of getting back into it now, the Community and blogging, that is. I love the transgender community. They helped me so much back then. I owe the Community a lot.

I live in a loft in Charlestown, or perhaps one of those multi-story town houses in the Back Bay. If you want, you can assume that I live in a dorm on the BC campus. How about one of those lovely old houses in Newton? I guess the best assumption you can make is that I'm a city girl, living in Boston.

I work in the city at one of the many universities. Or, perhaps I work at Beth Israel hospital. Heck, I may even work for the T. Might even make my living as that cute girl with the long brown hair, playing the flute, sitting on the floor in a corner of the Downtown Crossing station, with a hat sitting next to me, full of coins and dollar bills.

I love the city. The food in the North End. The university students. The middle eastern cabbies. The blue collar guys talking about "fuckin' this and fuckin' that". Boston is just a wicked cool place to be.

I suppose I'm one of those more liberal types, but there's a lot of us in the big cities of the Northeast. I guess that's why I'm such a believer in joining my T's with the LGB's for the sake of solidarity.

I love cutting off tourists in Boston traffic. I hate rotaries except for the mega-rotaries, like the one in Watertown where cars come at you from all directions. It's just good sport. I love the look on a tourist's face when I do the Boston left-turn....immediately turning left into oncoming traffic when the light turns green. Oh such fun! But, I also love public transportation. The trains, the subway, and even the busses.

Did I say I hate truck drivers? Most of them, that is. They're such morons. I guess that's the typical reaction of those of us in the cities of the Northeast.

I guess what this all boils down to is that:

1 - I'm Transgender
2 - I am forever devoted to the TG Community
3 - I live in Boston
4 - I love the City
5 - I love the traffic
6 - I hate most truck drivers

So, with that, I must comment on this moron truck driver who claims to be a transsexual. You know, the one who's view is from nine feet up. I'll let you find him. Not going to give you a link.

I'm using the male pronoun when referring to this idiot. I say "idiot" because I truly believe that he somehow did manage to get his balls whacked off. He probably does consider himself a "she" now. So harsh and mean for me to say that. For just a sec, I felt bad, but them I just remind myself of what he has been saying about some of those in MY Community. I'm assuming that, probably after dwelling on it for a long time while drinking himself stupid at various road-side dive bars, he decided he was a woman. But you know he's bitter. He wishes he hadn't done that. He wishes he was still a guy and, he takes it all out on MY Community.

You mess with MY Community, and I mess with YOU, moron.

You see, MY Community does include everyone under the transgender umbrella. And, that includes YOU, dude!

I'll leave you with one thought:

Leave MY Community alone. Don't mess with them. Just focus what little brain matter you have on driving that 1964 Mack while listening to that classic country crap on the radio. Oh, but do bring a few CD's with you if you're in the Boston area. We don't play that garbage up here in the hub of civilization. Better yet, stay away from my city, just to be safe. I may just cut you off. already did that to yourself, didn't you?



  1. Wow! Hostility in your first post- what an arrival! Agree with you about Beantown- a great city.

  2. Jamie - Thanks!

    Claire - Yes, hostility on the first post, but someone needs to speak out. My former blog was not like this, but as I re-enter the blogging world and look at what some are saying about some in the trans community, the community that so helped me, well let's just say I am not going to be shy about my feelings.

  3. I started reading and saw mention of Charlestown and thought you were just a couple of suburbs away. Then I read further and realised that you're on the other side of the world! :)

  4. Hi Alice. You know, a couple burbs away from Charlestown, Mass, is Revere, the home of Wonderland Greyhound Race Track. So, I just assumed, until I looked at your profile, that you might be from Revere. You know....Alice....Wonderland....get it?

    But, you're from the mother ship!


  5. Why would you ever want to be "...forever devoted to the TG community?

  6. SA-ET - And you really have to ask? Is this your way of asking me to trash you in a post? Perhaps I should take requests.

  7. Yeah, you're right, I guess I do know why. No, it's not my way or asking you to trash me in a post, but if that makes you feel better then take your best shot, sweetpea.

  8. LOL! Now this is something I can sink my teeth into!
